Thursday, July 9, 2009

Friday night neighbors and friends are going to fill the grange hall bringing with them ample food and beverage. This weathered old hall standing adjacent to the Page's residence on Curtis Cove is frequently used as a venue for neighborhood potlucks, teen band rehearsals, and exercise classes. Several weeks ago a visiting Jazz ensemble from Spain performed to a packed house. Tables were covered with an assortment of delicious food that guests brought to share. Many dishes were prepared using home grown produce and meat and eggs from locally raised animals that rival the dishes prepared in top restaurant kitchens.
This Friday, people are going to gather to celebrate the upcoming birth of Katia and Sergi's baby. Weeks ago plans went into motion to have this community potluck.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Village of East Blue Hill

East Blue Hill is the quintessential Maine town...nestled between the pines and the ocean it is complete with grange hall, post office, library and requisite church.